Bond Progress, October 2024

October 14, 2024

Cafeteria and Gym

Academic Building

October 1, 2024









Progress in Pictures -

CTE Construction Updates (January 2023)





Perkinston Elementary - New Gym / Classrooms

Progress in Pictures - PES Gym Renovation

Progress at PES

Bond Passes with 65% Vote

On May 17, 2022, voters in Stone County exercised their constitutional right to vote on a Bond Referendum to build a new high school and athletic stadium.  An unprecedented 3,000 voters turned out to make their votes count.  At the end of the day as votes were tallied, the Bond Issue passed with 65% or 2,013 voters voting YES to 1,061 voters saying NO.  What an exciting day for the students, faculty, and community members who worked hard to make this vision a reality!  It's truly a great day to be a TOMCAT!  

Bond Referendum Vote Set for
May 17, 2022

On May 17th, Stone County residents will vote on a Stone County School District bond referendum which includes building a new high school as well as an athletic stadium. The forward thinking of the Stone County School Board ensures that the changes will address the future growth of the school district.

During community meetings held at the beginning of the year, citizens took part in the conversation in the form of a steering commitee to determine the course of action needed for the bond issue and to provide feedback on the process. The Stone County School Board used community feedback to move forward with the decision to put a bond referendum vote before Stone County taxpayers this spring.


Aerial view of school property

Stone County School District students will finally have their own athletic stadium to compete and perform as a result of the passage of the bond referendum.  Both parents and students will be able to show their pride and display their achievements for the world to see!  This will be the first time that faculty and students can show ownership in a facility that is truly their own.  This will give new meaning to "home field" advantage!


Front of school

Stone High School students, faculty and staff look forward to having a new home that is safe, efficient, and modern.  This new facility will provide students and faculty with up-to-date infrastructure, technology, and space which will better prepare them for higher education or to enter the workforce with a specialized skillset.  This facility places our students on a level playing field with surrounding communities so that they can be major contenders in today's competitive job market.


Map and Legend

The repurposing of the Stone Middle School facility will meet many needs within the community.  It is the intention of the Stone County School District to offer Pre-K and a Boys and Girls Club in the existing facility.  While we have always known the benefits of these programs, we have been unable to offer them due to the lack of space.  Stone County School District was able to attain an A Rating in spite of the fact that we were one of the few districts without a Pre-K offering.  The Boys and Girls Club expands the opportunities for students to be actively engaged in organized activities in their down time and to receive additional tutorial in the afternoons.  We truly believe this is a WIN - WIN opportunity for our county and will improve the quality of life for our youngest students.  The Administrative Offices and the Afterschool Program will also be housed in the current Middle School.

If you have any questions regarding the bond issue, please submit them here.