Parental Involvement

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) defines parental involvement as regular, two-way, and meaningful communication between parents and schools to ensure that parents are full partners in their child’s/ children’s educational experience.

NCLB research provides convincing evidence that children perform at higher levels both socially and academically when parents and educators regularly communicate and actively participate in enhancing student achievement.

In addition to participating in their child’s education, Title I envisions parent participation in each of the three levels of decision making: state, district, and school.

The Stone County School District recognizes the link between active parental and school partnerships and increased student achievement.

Stone County Schools:

  1. Invite parents to an annual meeting to inform them about Title I and explain their right to be involved
  2. Offer a flexible number of parent meetings throughout the year and may provide transportation, child care, or home visits
  3. Involve parents in Title I planning, review and improvement
  4. Provide parents with timely information about programs, school performance profiles, their child’s individual assessment results, curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet
  5. Provides a jointly developed school-parent compact.

School-Parent Compact: A Component of the School Parent Involvement Policy

Each school receiving Title I funds must also develop, with parents, a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improving student achievement and reaching the state’s high standards. Again, the school should ensure that parents of children with disabilities assist in developing the school-parent compact.  A copy of each school’s compact is located in the student handbook.

Engagement Links:

National Parent Teacher Organization

The United Way

National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools

Project Appleseed

National Parent Teacher Association